Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Star Wha?

We're having a boy. His name is Luke Tiberius Meyers. He enjoys orange juice, apple cider and long walks with the pups. We are going for a Star Wars/Star Trek thing with his name. Aaron doesn't appreciate Skywalker as a middle name as much as I do. We hope to raise a geek, but will probably end up with a jock. We'll check back in 10 years.
The pregnancy as a whole is going great. The charlie horses and round ligament pain in the middle of the night aren't so pleasant, but I'm not complaining. I've been doing prenatal yoga videos and feel really good afterward. I can't tell for sure if I've felt him move, but I'm sure that will change in a couple of weeks. Cravings have stayed the same. I've had grapefruit for dinner more than once this week. I'm definitely getting my drv of Vitamin C. I am not going to get any flu shots this year. This is controversial to some, but the right choice for me. I've been taking vitamin D as suggested by my midwife. It raises your immune system, keeps you happy in the dark, cloudy months and helps baby have more bone density. There are other benefits as well. Here's a small article I found on the subject.

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